discover the new

Insurance, Revenue, Yield Forecasting Tool

powered by YIELDAI

Start Now in FarmScope®

Be prepared for successful growing seasons with crop insurance, revenue, and yield forecast estimations.

Customize and run different Crop/Product/Coverage Level scenarios to determine the best results for your field based on your fields characteristics and varying types of insurance. 

Comparative Advantage

Compare your field's productivity to your county's average to identify areas of improvement or change.

Explore Possibilities

Explore insurance coverage levels from 50-85%, and calculate Premium, Guarantee, and Payment amounts Per Acre and for your whole field.

Yield Forecasting

Determine your expected yield and field risk for better farm management planning.

Insurance Products

Look at outcomes on your field for Revenue Protection (RP), Yield Protection (YP), and Revenue Protection with Harvest Price Exclusion (RP-HPE) for comparison.

Start Now in FarmScope®

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